Here's more than you probably want to know about me...
Hey! Yea this page is about me...and how much I like
reeses...and uh..ya ok :D
Name: Jen K Birthdate: Jan.15!!!! Birthplace: Visalia, CA Eye Color: brooown
Hair Color: brown
My Fav. Best Pizza: Me~n~Ed's
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookies n' Cream...yuMmEe
Song: SHEs mY bABy by RocKEt SUmMer
Fav. Word: sExXxy
Favorite Stuff
In this area, I'll list some of the things that I like best, for example:
Favorite TV Show: tHe AsSIsTAnt..AndY dIck rOckS alL mY sOCks Favorite
Movie: HOnEY and LorD of THe RingS Favorite Music: EmOo/PuNk Favorite C0lOR: PiNk yOU SIlLy goOsE Favorite Food:
uhHh. tHAtS a TufFy People I Most Admire: McJusTieR!!